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Dratini is probably our doe that has had the most affected show career from 2020-2022. She finished easily in 2021 and placed very competitively at the fall state fairs. Because of her permanent championship status and inability to exhibit her in Champion Challenge, she stayed home from some shows.

We really love Dratini's balance and how she reminds us of both her dam Pangea and her paternal family. She has a strong topline and beautiful feet and legs, especially considering her age. Dratini is an extremely dairy doe, exhibiting a lot of cleanliness throughout, a beautiful long neck, and the will to milk and perform. Dratini's mammary system, espcially her length of mammary and capacity to fore udder, is one of her most notable aspects. She has excellent udder texture and milks down to absolutely nothing.


Dratini has so many of the traits that we value in our breeding program. We have retained most of her sons on the farm for a while, and hope to get a few more daughters to add. We think Dratini is special and has many things that will benefit our American Oberhasli breeding program.

CH Deidrägo KV Pangeas Dratini

SKU: DOB: 05/01/2017
  • SS: White-Haven Big Hunk
    S: Deidrägo BH Mochas Kovu
    SD: GCH White-Haven Mocha EX92
    DS: ++*B SG Tempo Aquila Freelance EX91
    D: GCH Deidrägo FRLN Pandoras Pangea EX92
    DD: CH New Dreams W Wanetas Pandora

    Breed Percentage: 57% Oberhasli, 30% Alpine, 13% LaMancha
    Generation: 1; conforms to Oberhasli breed standard


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