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Wakanda was one of the last Esmeralda babies, and her triplet sisters are owned by Nevada Stars and Storm Dancer. These girls are really special AI babies, and have pretty mammary systems like we hoped to get by using Udderly-Crazy bucks via AI. Wakanda has a really impressive rear udder width and arch, and has correct shape to her mammary system from the side. Just like her dam and maternal sisters, Wakanda is focusing on making lots of milk and needs to get her body back together just a bit.

Reference- Deidrägo FRND Wakanda

SKU: DOB: 03/19/2020
  • SS: Udderly-Crazy Valkyrie
    SIRE: Udderly-Crazy FV Friend
    SD: Udderly-Crazy In Good Faith
    DS: +*B SG Sir Echo Ceebre
    DAM: 4*M SGCH New Dreams CB Mochas Esmeralda (07-03 92 EEEE) (2017 ADGA National Champion, Best Udder, 2013 ADGA Reserve Junior National Champion)
    DD: 3*M GCH White-Haven Mocha (06-01 91 VEEE) (2010 ADGA National Champion, 2010 & 2011 ADGA Reserve Best Udder)


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