Ginseng is doe that sure makes us proud! She's a big doe with complete balance of the scorecard. Her pedigree is a unique combination of our starting Nubian herd, and she sure is living up to the beautiful animals in her pedigree.
Ginseng's mammary system is near ideal, with a large area of udder attachment with a wide rear udder arch and a capacious, wide, productive fore udder. Ginseng milks extremely well and milks down to a beautiful, soft texture. Her teat placement and delineation is near ideal, and she is even an easy doe to hand milk! Ginseng is also correct in general appearance, having a wide, level rump and a beautiful, deep and strong front end assembly. Ginseng is very mature for her age while maintaining balance in dairy strength and having a lot of angularity and openness throughout.
Reference- Deidrägo WR Ginseng
SS: *B Blissberry RH Vallawho
SIRE: Deidrägo VW Wrigley
SD: SGCH Blissberry BB Juicyfruit EX90DS: SGCH +*B Blissberry MW Rocketeer EX91
DAM: Deidrägo RKTR Aloes Ginkgo
DD: 4*M GCH Blissberry Aloe Vera VG89